Frequently Asked Questions
This is okay but please advice Auctioneers so that they can make sure they look for your bids
Yes..... we may have something there for you to use but in most case there isn't much
No but we can work out some thing for you
You can register at any time of the Auction
Yes you can we give people 2 hours before the Auction to check over the Goods. There is also a chance to view the items the day before the Auction but please ring to ask if this can work or what time is the best.
Yes you can. You can go to the office and pay then someone will get your items for you
Yes this can be done. Please work out some thing with us prior to buying so goods can be put away.
Yes drop me an email
Only the Auctioneers and some staff get to see your Max Bid
Yes.... But please do this prior to Auction
Yes ... But again please try to do this prior to Auction
You will be sent an invioce with the ammount to be payed with including packing postage and insurance
We offer goods to be insurered by Australia Post when sending by Australia Post to cover any breakage of items
Once the goods are payed for they are pleced in Australia Posts care
We ask that poeple wait a day or two before ringing to find out how they went
Yes please
Please have the items to us at least 2 months before
Yes we can advice you as to what would be a good price
These goods will be taken back and a call will be made to find out what you would like to do with them
Yes in our bigger collectable Auctions we offer this and put this into our colour pictorial catalogue
We work on a comission on items sold
This is now going to be part of our service when there is multi reserves
You will be sent a statement with your payment.