0433 247 438
Roycroft Auction Flowerdale 2011
Description Lot Condition Description Lot Condition Description Lot Condition
Two pint, blue glass. Frank's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Rochester NY. Later bottle. VGC
Amber glass. Electric Brand Bitters. VCG
Amber glass. H.E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, Ill. Electric Bitters. Manufacturers fault to side top. VGC
Amber glass. Lash's Kidney & Liver Bitters. The Best Cathartic and Blood Purifyer. Few minor marks, VGC
Both amber. Dr. J. Hostetters Stomach Bitters. Both lightly tip stained.
Both aqua glass. - Burdock Blood Bitters. Foster Milburn Co, Buffalo NY. Other - Poor Man's Family Bitters. Both lightly tip stained. GC
Small aqua glass S.B.Goff's Herb Bitters, Camden, NJ. Other is aqua glass Dr. Flint's Quaker Bitters, Providence R.I. Both lightly tip stained. Large bottle has chip to back base corner.
Both amber. Both Dr. Doyle's Hop Bitters, VGC
Dr. Soule's Hop Bitters. Hop tm. Amber glass full of bubbles. Tiny chip back base corner. VGC
Both amber. Brown Chemical Co. Iron Bitters, crack in lip. Other Prickley Ash Bitters. Both have few minor marks, VGC
Amber glass pig. Suffolk Bitters, America's Suffolk Bitters Life Preserver. VGC
Milk glass. Hartwig Kantorowicz, Posen, Hamburg, Germany. Few minor marks. VGC
Aqua glass. Dr. Bell's Liver and Kidney Bitters. Few minor marks, VGC
Milk glass. Hartwig Kantorowicz, Posen, Hamberg, Germany. Scattered tip stain. GC
One blue aqua, other green glass. One - M.McDonald, Madeline St., Melbourne & Ballarat, crown tm, burst bubble towards base. Other M.McDonald, Madeline St., Melbourne. Lightly tip stained. GC
Made for the bi-celebration of Schweppes. Green glass (made for Executives). Not easy to get
1. The Licensed Trade Supply Society Ltd., Coventry. Lion tm. 2. The Harvard Co, Cardigan, horse drawn plough tm. Both on rests. Both VGC
Both on rests. 1. E.North's Mineral Waters. Unicorn tm. Some tip staining. 2. Silloth Mineral Water Company. Yacht tm. Few minor marks. VGC
Both ion rests. 1. E.North's Mineral Waters. Swan tm, lightly tip stained, GC 2. Silloth Mineral Water Company, Yacht tm.Few minor marks, VGC
Tip stained.
Small size hamilton T. Havard & Co., Cardigan, Horse drawn plough tm. Lightly tip stained. Other - Skittle/codd hybrid, A. Judes, Krugersdorp. VGC
Belfast and Foreign Mineral Waters Lemonade Co., Dingwall. Eagle tm. Few minor marks. VGC
Cobalt blue. Joses'Mineral Waters. Geraldton. Heavily embossed. Some chipping around top of lip (filled) Lightly tip stained. GC
Silver plate, good quality
Dark green glass. Blob top, 7 oz. Royal Bungonia Water. 'M' in base. Very light tip stain, VGC
13 oz. Steinike & Weinlig, with hand holding stick and snake trade mark. Scattering of scuffs and marks. GC
Amber glass, 16 oz. Lightly tip stained. GC
Two tear drops, blue tip, 10-13 oz. J.Eckersley, Bolton. Polished to very good. Scattered fish eyes around base. Few minor marks.
Two tear drops, black glass, 10-13 oz. 'Extra Strong Glass'. Few minor marks, VGC
Four dimple, 13 oz. A.Rosel, Milawa Factory, Echuca. Aboriginal with boomerang and shield. Lightly tip stained, GC
Four dimple, 13 oz. G.F.Priddle & Sons, Queenscliff. Lighthouse tm. Tip stained. GC
Four dimple, amethyst glass 13 oz. J.J.Trait, Geelong. Initials tm. Few minor marks, VGC
Four dimple, 26 oz. Bollington Hop Beer, G.Blyth, Geelong. Some scattered scuffing and marks, minor tip stain and tiny flake off top of lip. GC
Four dimple, 13 oz. A.Rosel, Milawa Factory, Echuca. Aborigine with shield and boomerang - No trees, rarer variety. Wants clean inside, few minor scuffs and marks, VGC
Four dimple, 7 oz. Manger & O'Neill Federal Factory, Echuca. Embossed in oval badge. Soda Water to reverse shoulder. Lightly tip stained, would polish well.
Four dimple, 26 oz. Grisby & McSweeney, Geelong. Bird tm. Water worn and pitted. Would polish well. Rare bottle
Four dimples, 13 oz, acid etched. A. Rosel, Echuca. Aboriginal tm. Lightly tip stained. Couple fish eyes around base.
Four dimple, 7 oz. A. Rosel, Echuca. Aboriginal with shield and boomerang tm. Wants clean inside. Minor air bubbles to top. Lightly tip stained. GC
Four dimple, 5-7 oz. John McGee, Rochester. Scattering of minor marks, light staining inside. GC
Four dimple, 5-7 oz. Bright Brewery. Bright, Soda Water. Elephant tm. Lightlhy tip stained. GC
Two tear drops, 13 oz. The Claremont Mineral Springs and Aerated Waters (WA) Initials tm. BGW Glass Works, maker. Lightly tip stained with scattering of minor marks. Opalescent inside. GC
Four dimples. 13 oz. The NSW Aerated Water and C Co. Ltd. Newcastle. Ice cream cone and initials tm to reverse. Few minor marks. VGC
Four dimples, 13 oz. A. Rosel, Echuca. Aboriginal with shield and boomerang in small circle tm. Hard to get. Few scattered fish eyes, little bit casewear. GC
Four dimple, 26 oz. J.J.Trait, Geelong. Initials tm. Water worn, but good. Bit minor case wear.
Four dimples, 10-13 oz. A.H.Davis, Bombala, NSW. Iron Cross and initials tm. Few minor marks, VGC
Bulge patent, 13 oz squat variety. M. Robinson, Warragul. Rooster tm. Couple bits minor wear on print. VGC
Two tone dump internal thread. Burlinson & Sons, Parkside. Doulton Pottery. Small chip to back roll of base. VGC
Two tone ChS. J.M Gynn, Boulder City, in square badge. Initials tm. Some light discolouring. VGC
All white DBT. D.S.Watson, Albury. Fine haircrack to side top. Discolouration scattered over body. GC
All tan Dump cs. Frazier Bros., Ginger Beer, Tamworth. Tiny 'u' shape crack to roll of lip. Glaze kiss to shoulder and small chip side base.
All tan DBT. J. Kelly Brewed Ginger Beer. Nowra. Few glaze flakes in manufacture. Some light wear to lip. GC
All white, Chs, Brown tip. A. Rosel Ginger Beer, Echuca. Some light rust staining. Minor glaze flakes around lip.
All white, Chs Green top. J.Dempsey, Kalgoorlie. Dog's head tm. Fine haircrack running from trade mark up to shoulder on side. Restored shoulder and replaced top. Good shelf bottle, looks great
Salt glaze, DBT impressed. T. Field & Son, Sydney Potters - in large oval badge. Pop hole to shoulder, some discolouration to edge of base. GC
Red/tan glaze, DBT impressed in circle G.Redman. With icecream tm and initials. Bit rust staining. GC
Light tan glaze impressed O'Connor Brothers, Sydney. Harp trade mark. Small glaze flake to lip. VGC
All tan DBT impressed on shoulder Starkey. Also impressed on front is WS in a star. Flaking and wear to lip.
Nice early mottled glaze with runs down the back. DBT impressed below shoulder J & D Waters, Pleasant Creek. Pop out to back shoulder, glaze flake front base and chip under back base.
All tan DBDT, impressed Grant, Menon, Whro. (Vic goldfield town). Minor chip to back base. Wear to top of lip and some glaze flaking. Rare and desirable.
C/S Two tone. J. Ellis Ginger Beer Weston & Cessnock. Intial T/M. Very fine hairline to front top lip about 1cm long, hard to see. Minor marks VGC