0433 247 438
Flowerdale Auction 4 - Bottles Oct 2011
26 oz, Eberhard & Co., Clunes & Talbot. Large crown tm, few minor marks, VGC
Maori Queen dredge Oven river German Town Vic
King Size Filters. 95%
R Mosley, Globe Mineral Water Works, Melourne, Globe TM, some light dullness, GC
Marchants Hot Beer, Australia, few minor marks, VG
13 oz. H. Palling Senr. Shepparton. Large bell to reverse. Flag with
initials tm. Minor probe mark to neck. VGC
Train sign. Black on white. 7.5"x2". Dinged and stressed. 80%
Horse head in horsehoe tm. Howells Narrandera metal top. VGC
One contains quantity writing nibs
Half size, green glass. Old Highland Cream Scotch Whisky. Chas Cole & Co., Geelong, Sole Agents. VGC
Princess Royal gold mining co. 1935
with wall mount. Couple minor dings. 2' x 1'5" oval. 95%
GH Bennett, Richmond, flag TM, few minor marks lighty dull, GC.
Colac, 1975; National Convention; Colac 1980. Also wide mouth jar
from Sandhurst.
Red, blue on white. 2'x1'. Some rust around edges, couple bullet dings to centre. 90%
Green/amber glass. Deep Spring, Daylesford. Few minor marks, VGC
Place of gold mining Australia
Made and guaranteed by Sunbeam. 2' x 1'6" 95%
O'Neill Bros, Nth Fitzroy, monogram TM, few minor marks, VG
Warwick, 1972 (?)
Flying horse tm. Red, black on white. Ding near horse's tail. Couple other minor dings to edge. 95%
Original metal top. VGC
5-7 oz., J. Bartlett & Co.,Rushworth and Tatura. "JB" tm. VGC
One South extended dredge other is Paulussy dredge both in Buckland Valley Victoria
Commission NSW. Bird tm. 7"x9" shaped
Geo Bollington and Co, Melb, Orb TM, few scuffs and marks, lightly dull, GC
ee vases and a vase frog
Second Victorian State Show, Bendigo
White on blue. 2'x9'" Scattered dinging, 80%
Plastic top, VGC
10-13 oz., Dobson patent. J. Bartlett, Rushworth & Tatura. 'Lemonade' on reverse. Lightly dull.
and framed photos from Ghana Africa
6.5" x 6.5"
JAM Shelley, Broken Hill, shell TM, few minor marks, VG
Large decanter with enamel work; amethyst stem vase and art glass orange/red stem vase
ChS cork stoppered. Two tone dark chocolate top. Warrnambool
Cordials Pty. Ltd., Warrnambool. Brewed Stone Ginger Beer. Some
light rust spotting, minor flaking around lip. Small manufacturer's
fault under bottom of cork top. VGC
Both Shell one gallon. Carnea Oil, other Super Outboard Motor Oil. Both 80%
Shaped railway sign. Black on white. Heavily restored. 4'8"x2'8" Fair
Blue Bow tm with original metal top. VGC
10-13 oz., Dobson patent. 'Made from Pure Carbonic Gas'. Few minor marks, couple minor nibbles inside lip. VGC.
Bishops Gold Buninyong 1937
Accident. 1'8" x 1' 95%
G Pfeiler, Melbourne, bell TM, few minor marks, GC
Chs cork stoppered, two tone. Chas Cole & Co., Geelong. Ginger
Beer. Bird and fish tm. Chip to bottom of cork top on reverse. Few
minor rust spots. GC