0433 247 438
General Antiques March 2011
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Description Lot Estimate Description Lot Estimate Description Lot Estimate
3'9.5" x10.5 inch jaw
5 litre Ampol, dinted, marked, 85%. Other - 1 gall Ampol mower fuel. Scuffed and marked, 75%
Both 1 gall. Pentalube Formula 56, 95% Other Pentalube Formula 36. 90-95%
Coronation of his Majesty Edward 7 and Queen Alexandra
1Gal Castrol Industrial oils. Few scuffs and marks 90-95%
1Gal Energol Brake fluid. Rust spotted and marked 85%
Impressed on spring - H.Lane. Warragamba (?) 21cms length
Early 1Gal Shell Transmission oil. Rusted marked and worn. 60%
Fire Zone Oil upper cylinder Lube. Few marks and spotting. 90%
Venus Kerosene Union Oil Company GC
TuTu, Sugar Plum ,Twinkle Toes, Little Ballerina
Tide Water Oil co, Snow Flake Lamp oil GC
The Texas Company 'Texaco'. Lightly faded GC
Warragamba (?)
Atlantic Petrol. Light Faded GC